[casual_games] negotiation costs

James C. Smith james at Reflexive.net
Fri Apr 7 21:25:16 EDT 2006

Michael Mei asked be to post the fallowing comments on his behalf.

>> contracts costing between 2-5k to negotiate a contract with a Distributor

That comment came from me.  The true total costs can range from
$2,000-$5,000 depending on the attorney you hire...ours is about $450 per
hour vs the $200 which James mentions.  I made it very clear that to really
protect your IP you need an IP attorney which is very expensive.

So the true costs can range greatly but it's truly about $2000 on the low
side what James G. mentions (and this does not include the Developers time
to negotiate and read through himself which is $$$) to about $5,000 on the
high side with an attorney like ours.

Michael Mei 
Reflexive Entertainment
mmei at reflexive.net

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