[casual_games] The "Churn Rate" of the top 10 lists is really starting to increase

James C. Smith james at Reflexive.net
Tue Apr 11 16:15:38 EDT 2006

About 6 months ago I wrote an article
<http://www.igda.org/casual/quarterly/1_2/index.php?id=5> in the
<http://www.igda.org/casual/quarterly/1_2/> IGDA Casual Games SIG quarterly
about the history and trends in the Real Arcade weekly top 10 sellers list.
The part that I found most interesting was the "Churn Rate" that measured
how many different games passed through the weekly top 10 list each quarter.
When the article was written, the churn rate was just starting to increase.
That increase has been magnified in the last two quarters.  Here is an
updated "Churn Rate" chart


Real Arcade
Weekly Top 10 List
Churn Rate
Quarter	 Unique Games In Top 10	
2003 Q3	 24	
2003 Q4	 23	
2004 Q1	 25	
2004 Q2	 25	
2004 Q3	 24	
2004 Q4	 27	
2005 Q1	 25	
2005 Q1	 32	
2005 Q2	 33	
2005 Q3	 37	
2005 Q4	 40	

To put this into perspective, the minimum value here would be 10 if the same
10 games stayed in the weekly top 10 list for the whole quarter. The maximum
possible value is 130 if there was a completely different top 10 list each
of the 13 weeks with no game reappearing for a second week.


You can always get the up to date version of
&task=ExecuteQuery&qid=17> this chart at
<http://www.game-sales-charts.com/> www.game-sales-charts.com  


I am sorry it isn't very fancy looking  since maintaining this web site is
just a part time "hobby" of mine with no revenue stream, but is real data
that I find very interesting. I hope you find it useful .


PS: If you looked at this "Churn Rate" chart on the web site in the past
couple months you may have noticed it was wrong.  It was reporting 26 weeks
in each quarter.  I corrected that bug today and now the web site shows the
accurate number I am reporting here.


James C. Smith

Producer / Lead Programmer

Reflexive Entertainment 

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