[casual_games] White Paper: Game Depth Section

Juan Gril juangril at jojugames.com
Wed Dec 13 18:31:12 EST 2006

One of the things that always worry me in my games (and something that many
casual games suffer) is the issue of game depth. Some games are good ideas
and fun for a couple of minutes, but as they lack the depth to be
interesting hours later they fail to grab a critical audience.

In the Production and Design section of the IGDA Casual Games White Paper I
think we have done a fairly good job explaining the game mechanics and key
design elements common in Casual Games. So now we decided to write about
game depth. Since I'm not an authority in this matter, I didn't dare to
write about it myself. Two months ago Andrew McLennan helped me out writing
a table of contents for a game depth section, and then life sucked both of
us in and we left it at that.

So I'm going to follow Brian Robbins advice and send a call for help to all
casual game designers out there. I just updated the Production and Design
section of the White Paper, and I added the new section with a list of
topics. Please help us out finishing the content writing down your thoughts.
If Wikis cause you a rash, then feel free to send me an email and I'll
update it.



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