[casual_games] If Vista is going to be such a problem...

Thomas H. Buscaglia thb at gameattorney.com
Fri Dec 22 15:22:48 EST 2006

I would think that with Microsoft's current XNA
initiative they would be very interested in making this work for small games.

Tom B

At 12:01 PM 12/22/2006, you wrote:

> > Why not carefully investigate it. It seems to

> me that the first question goes to Microsoft. Can we use a


> > different ratings system than ESRB - or is MS

> going to endorse a monopoly over game ratings for each


> > country. ;)




>Microsoft has an agreement with a number of

>ratings boards to use their system and symbols

>(yes, these are typically copyrighted and/or

>trademarked) for the Parental Controls

>implementation. The rating system's symbol

>appears in the Game Explorer when a rated title

>is selected, along with some other metadata. The

>default rating system locale detection setting

>is likely part of that agreement, but users are

>free to set the system to any supported rating

>system. Currently we have implemented ESRB,

>PEGI, USK, OFLC, and CERO. Additional ratings

>systems may be added in future updates.




>Again the ratings agreement is between the

>rating board and the publisher. Microsoft is not

>involved with the ratings process. For the few

>hundred legacy titles we prepopulated into the

>Game Explorer, we just used the rating

>information on the box. Otherwise titles are

>responsible for providing their own ratings

>information or they will show up as "unrated".




>As I said in my original e-mail, I agree the

>ratings systems as they currently exist have a

>number of issues: impacts on low-cost tiles,

>non-retail titles, online titles, user-created

>content, etc. These are issues that are best

>handled by industry initiatives, and the IGDA

>has a very important role to play in this

>process. That said, users of Parental Controls

>will need to understand that "unrated" is a

>common case for games and they have to make

>their own judgment about these games on a

>case-by-case basis. The Windows Vista Parental

>Controls system absolutely allows the parent to

>override the rating and allow or disallow a game

>on a case-by-case basis to support this usage.




>-Chuck Walbourn


>SDE, Game Technology Group




>PS: I'm actually out of the office and will be through next week :>


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Thomas H. Buscaglia, Esquire
The Game Attorney
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