[casual_games] If Vista is going to be such a problem...

Hal Barwood hal at finitearts.com
Sun Dec 24 14:57:34 EST 2006

I think we should consider ratings from our customers' perspective: I
doubt that most gamers, casual or not, want to learn the intricacies of
yet another rating system. Once people are familiar with M and T and E,
that's enough already. Confusion in the marketplace helps no one. We
will be wise to goad ESRB and MS, and try to stay in the fold, I believe.

Meanwhile, wouldn't it be nice if MS thought of end-users as their
customers instead of IT departments?

Happy Holidays all,


Allen Partridge wrote:

> They probably trademarked the ‘mark’ but I doubt they could do anything

> about the letter “M” for example. I’m pretty sure other things use

> similar systems – my daughter’s Manga collection for example. I think

> you are right that any parallel system should use parallel ratings.




> --Al




> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


> *From:* casual_games-bounces at igda.org

> [mailto:casual_games-bounces at igda.org] *On Behalf Of *Wayne Imlach

> *Sent:* Friday, December 22, 2006 12:51 PM

> *To:* IGDA Casual Games SIG Mailing List

> *Subject:* Re: [casual_games] If Vista is going to be such a problem...




> Does someone installing a rated game on Vista ever see who actually

> rated the game? Does an ESRB logo appear during installation? Is it a

> requirement to display this logo during install? Is it displayed when

> the user purchases the game? Is it displayed anywhere in-game?




> If the system is totally transparent to the end user, then then it

> doesn't matter if the game was rated by the ESRB or the CGRB (Casual

> Games Rating Board) - just as long as it gets blocked when appropriate.




> In addition, if a Symbol is displayed during any of the above stages,

> I'd say maintaining a single ratings board is not important, but rather

> the ratings system used across boards is the thing to remain consistent.

> When a consumer picks up a rated game, they are looking at the big 'M'

> or 'E', not the little 'esrb' logo at the bottom.




> I don't think an alternate rating board would make a jot of difference

> to the consumer - however a different ratings //system// would probably

> muddy things somewhat though.




> Does the ESRB have some kind of copyright on the ratings system and

> symbols it uses?


> ----- Original Message -----


> *From:* Dustin Clingman <mailto:dsc at zeitgeistgames.com>


> *To:* 'IGDA Casual Games SIG Mailing List'

> <mailto:casual_games at igda.org>


> *Sent:* Friday, December 22, 2006 1:39 PM


> *Subject:* Re: [casual_games] If Vista is going to be such a problem...




> I’ll have to disagree with you on one front Andreas. The ESRB is a

> developed, connected and more importantly has reasonably consumer

> understood rating system. If the IGDA and CCA can do anything here

> for us it’s to educate the ESRB et al (way too many acronyms here)

> on the kinds of products sold in this segment to work to generate

> alternatives that can allow for a lower priced solution.




> Splintering off will not help; it will just force us to spend our

> own time and energy in propagating the new system, generating

> explanatory media, etc. All in all, a lot of work and money just to

> come back to where the ESRB already is with a hopefully lower cost

> solution.




> Dustin




> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


> *From:* casual_games-bounces at igda.org

> [mailto:casual_games-bounces at igda.org] *On Behalf Of *Andreas

> Schneider - GAMGO

> *Sent:* Friday, December 22, 2006 8:28 AM

> *To:* 'IGDA Casual Games SIG Mailing List'

> *Subject:* Re: [casual_games] If Vista is going to be such a problem...




> Good idea Allen - why not start our own rating system controled by

> representatives from every country and people from the casual games

> industry. I think the IGDA could help here. This could also be the

> clue to see which are casual games and which not. I would be happy

> to see something like that instead of paying fees to some

> organisation that doesn't really know what a casual game is and is

> working in a totaly different genre of games.




> Andreas


> gamgogames.com












> The ESRB is an industry generated entity designed to pre-empt

> legislative restrictions and oversight. The industry it monitors is

> ‘hard core games’ – we’ll skip the debate over the term for now. The

> Casual Games Association and / or the IGDA Casual Games Sig or any

> established and ‘known’ industry representative group could easily

> create a parallel group that may operate based on it’s own rules

> (and fees) and which Microsoft would have to treat the same as the

> ESRB (as would the federal government etc.)




> We do everything else separately, why not accept the differences and

> impose our own regulatory agency rather than subject ourselves to

> one that is rife with problems.




> It also would distance us from those ‘violent’ mainstream games,

> give us a shot at free publicity, embed our reputation as ‘safe

> games’ and provide big time news coverage – leading to more stories

> about portals etc in major news outlets and overall could be a boon

> to the industry.




> --Allen




> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


> *From:* casual_games-bounces at igda.org

> [mailto:casual_games-bounces at igda.org] *On Behalf Of *Robert Headley

> *Sent:* Friday, December 22, 2006 1:24 AM

> *To:* IGDA Casual Games SIG Mailing List

> *Subject:* Re: [casual_games] If Vista is going to be such a problem...




> wasn't the ESRB actually required to play the games, after the hot

> coffee debacle? Ah, my bad, but it was proposed by Senator Brownback


> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Truth_in_Video_Game_Rating_Act

> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Truth_in_Video_Game_Rating_Act>


> Also, I don't know that the ESRB is willing to risk allowing 3rd

> party certifiers with so many politicians out to get them.


> On 12/22/06, *Joe Pantuso *<jpantuso at traygames.com

> <mailto:jpantuso at traygames.com>> wrote:


> ESRB doesn't actually load up and test anything. You submit a video

> tape of gameplay to them. And ESRB charges you $400 to $2500 for

> the pleasure of viewing the tape, what's the hourly rate on that?

> Their business model is very simple, and there is no incentive

> whatsoever for them to make it any cheaper or easier for us to pay

> that protection, er, I mean ratings fee.




> The news that we may be able to get casual games treated at the $400

> rate is a good start. I'd like to see $250, especially as the

> 'gameplay' video for Chess, for example, is going to pretty damn

> short and sweet.







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