[casual_games] surprising stats about casual gaming

Chris Dillman chrisd at plaidworld.com
Wed Jul 26 13:36:33 EDT 2006

>I don't know anything about 'Fate.' What makes it a casual game? How 
>do you know
>that it appeals to a casual game audience, rather than a traditional one?

I don't know.

Really it feels a lot like a simple Diablo clone.

What we can say is that WildTangent considers itself a maker of casual games
and to them this is a casual game from what they were telling me at E3.

My point is there is not much of a definition of what a casual game is.

I consider most of the new indie games to be casual games.

I see people on this list that seem to be pushing for a much lighter 
definition of what casual means. Game that are played for just 10 
minutes for example vs
games are simply easy to get into.


Email: chrisd at plaidworld.com
iChat / AIM: crackbunny at mac.com

Plaid World Studios http://www.plaidworld.com

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