[casual_games] Games for women made by women?

Martina Putzki martina.putzki at phenomedia.com
Tue Jun 6 13:01:38 EDT 2006

Hello List!

One question (probably asked before – if so, my apologies) from a female
member of the games industry:

Having been part of this industry for 11 years now I have always been amazed
by the small number of women involved in the game development process.

During my past 5 years in the casual games niche I have
a)       learned (and happily so) about the large and growing number of
women playing casual games
b)       witnessed male colleagues (all ex-full-price-game-makers)
desperately trying to “tailor” games especially for the female target group.
Well, regarding the results of their numerous efforts I’ll gladly admit to
sometimes have taken active and fervent part in preventing there be a result
(= game) in the first place. The insights on what some men seem to believe
women want were actually scary and I hope in no way related to their real

Now I’m working in marketing, not game design. I certainly do not pretend to
be able to do a better job thinking of cool games. Plus, I have come to
believe that it truly is infinitely harder to make a “small” game than a
“big” one, and I have a deep respect for the people envisioning them.

But I am definitely wondering, with so many very successful casual games out
on the portals, could it be there are more women involved in the game design
and production part of the casual games sector than in full-price-games? You
probably know that theory: Should women be making the games meant to be
played by women?

Or has it just been the trial/error and selection and/or luck factors in
combination with surveys leading to the top-sellers in our field?

How many of you guys have female game designers on their payrolls?

Just curious

All the best
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