[casual_games] press registration for the Casual GamesAssociation's Casuality Seattle

Thomas H. Buscaglia thb at gameattorney.com
Thu May 25 08:29:02 EDT 2006


At 04:35 AM 5/25/2006, you wrote:
>Impressive set of categories for attendees:
>I am petitioning the organizers to open new 
>categories to help diversify the attendees and 
>include classes of badges to help identify 
>people who are at the show and their associated perks:
>Venture Capitalist (includes a sponsored tandem 
>hip holster for a Treo AND a Blackberry and a 
>porta-shredder to “file” executive summaries)
>Industry Luminary (please upload picture of 
>important game shipped and year that it happened to be added to badge)
>Wannabe (please upload a picture of the tetris 
>clone-I mean sample of work to be printed on badge)
>EA Executives (includes a set of rubber stamps 
>for “ACQUIRE” or “DESTROY”, please press firmly 
>when applying to foreheads for optimal visibility)
>Lost Government Tradeshow Attendee (includes 
>fictitious Environmental or Defense attendance 
>receipts because going to Casuality is WAY more fun)
>Google People (pre-IPO) includes a red 
>lightsabre and a glow in the dark button that says “I am not evil”
>Google People (post-IPO) includes the contact 
>information for their pre-IPO associate or 
>“S”earch “I”nformation “T”echnology “H”euristics 
>Lord. (they are only allowed to travel in pairs, 
>why are these people at game trade shows anyway?!?!)
>Microsoft Executives (includes extra surgical 
>gloves for implanting next gen “Live Anywhere” gear in attendees)
>Mobile Developers (includes an upturned hat and 
>a cardboard sign and crayon, use your 
>imagination or bring a guitar or small dog for best effect)
>The industry gets more exciting all the time and 
>the variety of people attending shows continues 
>to demonstrate the vitality and the validity of the space!
>Stay tuned for more developments
>From: casual_games-bounces at igda.org 
>[mailto:casual_games-bounces at igda.org] On Behalf Of Jessica Tams (Personal)
>Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2006 1:08 AM
>To: casual_games at igda.org
>Subject: [casual_games] press registration for 
>the Casual GamesAssociation's Casuality Seattle
>Hi Everyone,
>I wanted to let you know that press registration 
>is open for the Casual Games Association’s 
>Casuality Seattle Conference. If you are in the 
>press you can register here: 
>If you aren’t in the press, but still want to 
>get in free you can try out being a volunteer: 
>If you aren’t in the press and can’t volunteer, 
>but still want to get in cheap you can try out 
>being a student: 
>P.S. The IGDA Casual Games SIG just submitted 
>the white paper for us to print and distribute 
>at the conference. It is going to be awesome! 
>Thanks to everyone who helps with the white 
>paper. It is a bunch of work and we in the 
>casual games industry really appreciate it.
>Casual_Games mailing list
>Casual_Games at igda.org

Thomas H. Buscaglia, Esquire
The Game Attorney
T. H. Buscaglia and Associates
80 Southwest 8th Street
Suite 2100 - Brickell Bayview Center
Miami, FL  33130
Tel (305) 324-6000
Fax (305) 324-1111
Toll Free 888-848-GLAW

Confidential:  This email contains communications 
protected by the attorney-client privilege.  If 
you do not expect such a communication from 
Thomas H. Buscaglia, please delete this message 
without reading it or any attachment, and then 
notify Mr. Buscaglia at thb at intelaw.com of this inadvertent misdelivery.
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