[casual_games] About Flash Wrappers

Allen R Partridge allen.partridge at iup.edu
Thu Nov 2 10:13:34 EST 2006

I'm examining Flash Wrappers today (or arguably wrappers in general) 
and wondered if folks on the list have any thoughts about the 
commercially available options, their own options etc.

I have looked at SWFKit, MDMZink, and Jugglor, and read over the past 
posts and a great article on the topic (leading to an in house build) 
from the folks at Oberon.

Anybody see major options I'm missing? Anyone using or avoiding any of 
the above for any reason?

I'm examining questions like ... ease of extensibility - can I use it 
to write files to local machines easily? Ease of resolution shifting, 
can I use it to detect, set and reset screen resolution eaisily? Ease 
of registry and system access. Customization and compression, can I 
put in just what I need easily in order to optimize file size on the 
deliverable? Security - does it enhance security - protect the files 

Finally I'm interested in opinions about the implications of Adobe 
Apollo for the wrapper phenomenon.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts,


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