[casual_games] Different Payment Models

Chris Dillman chrisd at plaidworld.com
Sun Oct 8 16:33:30 EDT 2006

So how about ads in games?

We would like to provide web banner style ads in our games.

Im looking around for web advertising services that will allow
us to hook up an application such as a game or tool.

Any ideas?

Its seems reasonable seeing that flash games use it on web sites.

I have seen casual games like snood played for like the last 7 years 
at my old job.... no one ever registered it but Im sure there was at 
least 20 people playing it.

Ads would have been great there.


Email: chrisd at plaidworld.com
iChat / AIM: crackbunny at mac.com

Plaid World Studios http://www.plaidworld.com

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