[casual_games] Re: can't bite my tongue any longer...

Jim Greer jimgreer at gmail.com
Wed Oct 11 07:28:53 EDT 2006

James -

Thanks for the numbers - it sounds like you've established that for the
Popcap.com audience the current model maximizes your profit. What we're
betting is there are other audiences and other models out there - and it
sounds like you agree with that, too.

We see the same low conversion rates that everyone else does on the PC (2%
> conversion rates are typical, which means 98% are not playing)

Yup. Since you're being so generous with the numbers, here's one I'd love to
hear. What percentage of people playing a web game on your site initiate the
download? 10%? To be clear - if you get 1000 people playing the web version
of Bookworm, is it 100 of them who start the download, and 2 of those 100
that go on to purchase it? If so, then I really think charging for premium
content in the web version, at a lower price, might make sense. If not for
your audience, then for the younger one we're targeting.

Here in the states, young people primarily play consoles and handhelds.

There's a site called MySpace you ought to check out... I think they have
some young people there. Seriously, young people spend plenty of time on the
web, socializing, playing online games, etc. If they don't respond to the
current downloadable market, then it's time for some experimentation.

Jim Greer
jim at kongregate.com
Company: http://kongregate.com
Blog: http://jimonwebgames.com

home: 159 Dolores #4, SF CA 94103
work: 430 Fillmore Suite A, SF CA 94117
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