[casual_games] History of Casual Gaming in USA

Deepak Abbot dabbot at gmail.com
Fri Sep 1 11:55:01 EDT 2006

Hi All,

I am trying to understand and write a note on US Casual gaming evolution. I
am not from US so would need help from people who have been through this
evolution themselves. My queries are:

1. When did casual gaming revolution actually started & what led to that
2. Which portal started offering casual games download first?
3. How did publishers/developers arrived at US$19.99 pricing?
4. Which was the first successful commercial casual game?
5. How many free trial games are downloaded in US?
6. When did casual games portal emerged in US? And what these portals used
to offer when they started?

I have lot more queries but I will keep that for later stage. Anyone who can
answer even one query would be of great help.


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