[casual_games] Pathfinding

Chris Dillman chrisd at plaidworld.com
Thu Aug 30 16:25:10 EDT 2007

Not sure if this was mentioned...

But you can use A* to fined a path around the tables...

or you can have a map that IS just paths that go around the tables
and you can use A* to find the shortest path to use on those preferred routes

Thus if the map you set down only consists of clean looking movement paths your
all good cause you will never move in a non clean looking path.

Plaid World Studios http://www.plaidworld.com
BANG 2D game engine's blog http://www.bang2d.com
BANG 3D game engine's blog http://www.bang3d.com

Email: chrisd at plaidworld.com
iChat / AIM: crackbunny at mac.com

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