[casual_games] Going to Leipzig (again)

Jim Sink jsink at microsoft.com
Thu Jul 26 13:25:51 EDT 2007

Hi Gert-Jan,

I'll be attending the convention on behalf of Microsoft. I'd be happy to meet. I'll drop you a line closer to the show to coordinate.


Jim Sink
Business Development Manager

Microsoft Casual Games
(425) 705-7109 office
(425) 936-7329 fax
(425) 281-7720 mobile

From: casual_games-bounces at igda.org [mailto:casual_games-bounces at igda.org] On Behalf Of Gert-Jan Brok
Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2007 2:31 AM
To: IGDA Casual Games SIG Mailing List
Subject: [casual_games] Going to Leipzig (again)

Hi All,
I have asked this question a couple of weeks ago, but almost no one responded. So this is attempt number two.

The Leipzig Games Convention is around the corner and I'd like to know who, of this list, is attending?
Maybe we can meet up, have a couple of drinks, and get to know the faces behind the names on this list.

Fantazm - Creating Games
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