[casual_games] Installing under Vista, anyone?

Chuck Walbourn chuckw at microsoft.com
Thu Mar 1 14:47:39 EST 2007

> Hi, Folks. We have been spending a few days attempting to get our games to install and properly register with the

> Windows Vista Game Explorer. We followed the directions on the MSDN article "Windows Game Explorer for Game

> Developers" (http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb206359.aspx),

> building and linking in GameuxInstallHelper.dll. We have been attempting to use NSIS and Innosetup as our installers,

> and making the correct calls.

> We're seeing stuff take place when we call the DLL, but the game is not showing up on the Games Explorer!


>Could I solicit some help from someone who has succeeded in making a new game properly show up in the Games Explorer?

Have you verified the sample itself is working on your system? Have you tried substituting the GDFExampleBinary for your own GDF using your installer's registration code?

This stuff does work, so there's likely some detail along the way you didn't get quite right.

-Chuck Walbourn
SDE, Game Technology Group

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