[casual_games] Need a replacement section editor for Casual MMO's

Thomas H. Buscaglia thb at gameattorney.com
Mon May 5 11:06:03 EDT 2008

Since this is an editor position, you may want to
consider contacting the writer's SIG. They are
very good at that sort of thing!

Wendy might be a good person to contact... "Wendy
Despain" <wendeth at wendydespain.com>

Tom B

At 12:52 PM 5/4/2008, you wrote:

>Hi all,


>Unfortunately, the section editor for the Casual

>MMO section of the white paper has vanished from

>site and a replacement is needed ASAP. There is

>already a talented group of writers lined up for

>the section, and they just need someone to set

>deadlines for them and give them feedback then

>throw their writing over the wall to a ready and

>eager copy editor. I would estimate that the

>position requires about 10-12 hours of work over

>the next 3 months. If you are able to jump in

>and perform this service for the community, please contact me ASAP.



>Dave Rohrl

>2008 Casual Games White Paper Editor


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Thomas H. Buscaglia, Esquire
The Game Attorney
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