[casual_games] Revenue from different portals

Joe Schultz Joe.Schultz at ByDesignGames.com
Wed Feb 25 12:11:11 EST 2009

(1st link)

On Feb 25, 2009, at 21:50h, Santiago Burbano wrote:

> Hello,


> unfortunately no one has replied to this thread.

> I was really hoping that someone could shed some light on this issue.

> It is not necessary to name the games or give exact figures.

> All I want is to better understand the industry.

> To my understanding Big Fish Games is the largest portal, so I am

> assuming that the majortity of revenue comes from this portal?

> I guess it also depends on the type of game as well?


> If anyone has some data that can be shared I would be very thankful!


> Santiago B. Soljanic



> From: "Santiago Burbano" <sburbano at itworks.ec>

> Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2009 5:08 AM

> To: casual_games at igda.org

> Subject: [casual_games] Revenue from different portals


> Hello,


> I would like to know if anyone can help with the following

> information.

> For a given game (downloadable casual game) what percentage of the

> total revenue was obtained from the differnet online portals?


> For example,

> Game A:

> Big Fish Games x %

> Playfirst x %

> iWin x%

> etc, ...


> Any information would be greatly appreciated!

> Thank you!


> Santiago B. Soljanic




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