[casual_games] hey casual_games at igda.org

Charlie Jackson charlie at cataclysmicgames.com
Thu Jun 30 20:45:19 EDT 2011

I always wondered why I'd spend hours and hours... Days... Months making a
game to try to sell and make a living off of when I could just buy a kit
like that and make a zillion trillion dollars from home. Thanks sooooooo
very much for pointing this out ;) While I know I can't speak for everyone
here, I know I at least do this only for the money, not because I love video
games or making them, or even the small things like getting rid of annoying
bugs or seeing people smile or laugh as they play them... Definitely the
money, which was a dumb call I know, since being an amateur I make, like, $5
a month from ad revenue and maybe $5-10k a year from sponsorships :) It's
why I have to beat all the gold digging women off with a baseball bat ;)


Charlie Jackson, Developer
Cataclysmic Games

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On Thu, Jun 30, 2011 at 6:56 AM, Duncan Curtis <donarto at hotmail.com> wrote:

> yo casual_games at igda.org now this is a good look

> http://quicknewslinks15.com/article?=992643 Its perfect for you

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