[casual_games] HarryBalls.com Wants to Interview Your Game Characters

Harold Balls hb at harryballs.com
Tue Mar 22 19:52:53 EDT 2011

Hello. HarryBalls.com plans to offer end users and the industry something a
little fun and different. Rather than interviewing someone on the game
development team or your CEO we would prefer to interview one or more of the
characters in your game as if the character was a human actor playing a
role. The interview would parody the Playboy 20 Questions celebrity
interview or the Cosmo magazine questions that pose questions to celebrities
like "what’s the craziest thing you have done for love?" . The questions
will be age appropriate for the character.

If you would like us to interview one of the characters in your game(s) feel
free to contact us at hb AT harryballs.com.

We published the first interview of Kei, a scientist in Virtual Villagers 5
which yon can view at our site. This will give you a good idea of the

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