[casual_games] TOW: Virtual Goods?

Bryan Wagstaff bryanw at xmission.com
Mon Apr 9 18:17:23 EDT 2012

> Have you ever succumbed to the lure of virtual goods?

Of course.  I purchase quite a few games on Steam.  I also purchase DLC.

I don't see it as "succumb to the lure" any more than I would say
that about any game. How is it different to buy a game through Steam
vs. buying the same game through physical retail? 

If you are referring to in-game items (which are also virtual
goods), then yes, I have "succumbed to the lure" of that, too.

Why did you word your question that way?  It seems that the wording
by itself is worth examining.

> Have you purchased an item to help you level up in a game faster?

Yes, several DLC packs and Facebook credits.

> Have you bought clothes or decorations or other non-competitive
items just to personalize your PC or your game world?


> Do you have a limit you personally set for how much you're
willing to spend on a virtual item in a game?

No set limit.  Buying a huge $70 DLC pack vs buying a $0.25 custom
clothing isn't that much different, cost-wise.  You could argue that
the single custom clothing item is a better value on a cost-per-item

> What motivated you to make that purchase instead of playing the
game "as-is"?

Most frequently the game *IS* the virtual good.  Every downloadable
package is digital goods, whether that is in-game items or the game
itself.  Buying through Steam or Origin or Impulse is the purchase of
virtual goods.

Your question itself is a great subject for discussion.

I find it interesting that the line between two has formed for many
players.  Today buying the game itself is not considered the purchase
of virtual goods, where five years ago or so Steam was considered a
huge risk because each game was considered a virtual goods purchase.

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