[game_edu] What would you want from a game company?

Ian Schreiber ai864 at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 12 15:50:09 EDT 2010

Hi Greg (and all),

Based on some of the responses so far, I'd like to clarify something.

A lot of requests are along the lines of "we would like it if more individual
developers/studios built individual relationships with our school." This
includes everything from guest speakers, to advisory board members, to judges of
local competitions. This is great, and I'm sure it is something all of us are
working on for our respective schools. But it's not what I'm looking for,
because it doesn't scale. In fact, it's zero-sum: if EA's university outreach
department can only visit 20 schools per year (or whatever) and you take up one
of those slots, that's one less for the rest of us.

So what I'm hoping to find here is something where one individual developer or
one studio can do something that benefits ALL of us, all 100+ schools at the
same time, from their one single action. The difference between an
unlimited-seat online webinar versus a site visit, for example.

I actually think there are some studios (and individuals) out there who really
want to contribute to education. They don't need convincing; they know this is a
win-win. But they ARE short on time, they have little or no experience in
understanding the differences between industry and academia, and what they need
from us is two things: guidance for HOW to contribute, and a conduit that lets
them contribute to a lot of people (i.e. all of us, not just one of us) without
having to repeat their efforts hundreds of times. IGDA can provide the conduit,
but I'm looking for ideas on how to best leverage our "strength in numbers"

Does that make it more clear, where I'm going with this?

- Ian

From: Gregory Walek <gwalek at ccsnh.edu>
To: IGDA Game Education Listserv <game_edu at igda.org>
Sent: Thu, August 12, 2010 1:18:00 PM
Subject: Re: [game_edu] What would you want from a game company?

A lot of what I’m writing deals with school-studio relations. Where I think what
Ian is trying to leverage the IGDA for is to break open door and change
expectations from studios. (If I got this wrong Ian, please clarify ) What we
need to bang into their heads: We’re building their future employees. They
should have a stake in this.

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