[games_access] compile done...

Thomas Westin thomas at pininteractive.com
Wed Feb 1 16:40:19 EST 2006

Hi all,

I have finally catched up with all your e-mails in January on this list. When doing so I have tried to compile all the things and ideas that popped up on this list (minus the long t-shirt discussion) into a document which I'm now putting onto our wiki, you find it linked below

Please Note: I have tried to categorize the ideas into three main sections to make it a bit easier to sort out; please forgive me if you feel that some of it is labeled wrong. After all it's a wiki so go edit :)


I think that all those ideas are a great resource for us all when planning for our presentations.

A few things for the Friday meeting which I can think of:

* I think we need to meet somewhere with you all on Sunday March 19; talk about practical stuff, learn to know each other a bit better and just get in sync of what we need to do. I and Göran Lange will be arriving to San José on Sunday March 19. About 16.00 I'd guess. 

We'll be staying at the following hotel, I have no idea how close to the conference it is, it was just cheap enough :)

(copy-paste from the travel agent, sorry for the capital letters!)


SAN JOSE, CA 95112  

TELEPHONE:  -(408)287-9380 

* from the list I have compiled at the wiki, should we divide it into different parts and assign it to each speaker - just to avoid that we all include statistics into our speeches :)

* The CD: We need
- a deadline for submitting stuff, I'd prefer at least one week before GDC, i.e March 13?
- decide how many records to burn, would 100 be enough?
- for the sponsoring, I can offer my company to sponsor it, if all of you are cool with having a text "CD sponsored by Pin Interactive" on it?

* the t-shirt
If this hasn't been decided yet, I'd say that we let Michelle decide - democracy is good but it is a sloow process

* a password protected wiki
- do we still need this? Let me know and I'll configure it

* the top-10 list
- just decide who will print it as a handout; is there anything else to think about?

Kind regards,

9 years of development and education with Adobe/Macromedia Director
Award at the Independent Games Festival: www.terraformers.nu
Founder of IGDA Game Accessibility SIG www.igda.org/accessibility 
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