[games_access] difficulty levels, usability

Sandra Uhling sandra_uhling at web.de
Mon May 17 17:38:32 EDT 2010


I am little bit confused. I played some games my friend gave me.
I do not understand why the difficulty is so high. Did they not realize
that there should be also easy difficulties?

Do we really need Game Accessibility to show them that there are more
gamers besides hardcore gamers? They know that there are casual gamers.
But there are lot of different gamers between casual and hardcore gamers.

Non-disabled gamers should not need game accessibility features to be able
to play a game at all. How can they expect that the society accept games,
when games are so difficult? 

There are also lot of trainers who help gamer. These trainers should be
In a game from the start. Sometimes games have these features, but they
remove it.

They know about casual gamers, but in most cases they think: 
Casual gamers = easy short funny games 
Maybe there are lot of casual gamers who do not play often,
but would love to play AAA games, when they could.

A bad example is DDR for Wii.
They removed lot of functions. Also function that are needed by beginners.
The Wii games (Resort, Sport,...) are very easy games with short gameplay.
The games of my old C64 had a much better gameplay.

I think it is great that we note that with game accessibility
The games do not have to be boring or "easy" and short.
Best regards,

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