[MacLoggerContest] Welcome to the list

Jonathan G0DVJ g0dvj at amsat.org
Sun Feb 6 18:25:36 EST 2005

Welcome to this list.

The idea here is to spend a bit of time discussing important details of 
contest logging in general through the use of a number of separate mail 
Then after we believe we have covered the main details, we should later 
attempt to focus on identifying the top key agreed features that 
initially someone like Don could begin with implementing in order to 
start the process of producing an insanely great contest logging 
program for Mac OSX.

This mail summarises the 3 initial threads of discussion that I will be 
asking for your views and comments on in separate threads:

1) Contest exchange entry methods - learning from the best of what is 
around but also is there a better way ?

2) Contest type coverage - how to be as widely/internationally 
accommodating as possible in terms of supporting different contest 
events but in that Mac fashion of making it as simple for the user as 
possible to select XYZ contest and have it ready to use.

3) Contest operator support features: (aside from setup and logging)
	a) Info the operator needs to optimise his/her effectiveness - dupes, 
multiplier/bonuses, realtime scoring, rates of scoring, etc.
as well as higher level features like:
	b) Interaction with other shack components (interfaces to Radios, 
Amplifiers, Rotors, TNCs, Internet, etc.)
	c) Post-contest entry files, statistics & learning, integration with 
main station log etc.

Clearly there are other important aspects to discuss but let's try to 
address particular items one at a time so that we don't lose focus.
These initial 3 cover a number of the bulleted features that I 
mentioned in my original "hallucinations" posting to the other list.
I have reposted my original list of features below just for reference 
and information.  After we do justice to some individual threads (e.g. 
the above) I suggest we come back to this original feature list to 
add/change/prioritise as a consensus.

Looking forward to the discussions...

Jonathan G0DVJ

Original post feature list ...

> I was dreaming of something like MacLoggerDX but called 
> MacLoggerContest which had all these features ...
> - Fast entry (no multiple keystrokes) of only contest logging fields 
> (configurable for any contest requirements no matter what the exchange 
> required)
> - Real-time checking as callsign characters are typed without touching 
> other keys/buttons of duplicates, country/band/locator/other 
> multiplier analysis, beam headings, potential multiplier status, auto 
> data insertion (zones, area codes, reports, locators etc.)
> - Summary of scoring per band/mode/multipliers/etc. updated after 
> every entered QSO or edit.
> - Full log editing and re-scoring in real-time according to the 
> configurable scoring parameters set up in advance
> - Full support for all popular national and international contests in 
> the calendar (or the ability for users to set up such flexibility), 
> HF, VHF and UHF contests all supported.
> - Display of partial matches to the standard callsign contest 
> databases produced by K5ZD for many other contest software (CT, SD, 
> WriteLog etc.)
> - Import of standard CTY country prefix files used by other logging 
> software
> - Cabrillo log entry file generation and other post-contest processing 
> / statistics and integration with MacLoggerDX for your main station 
> log
> - A tailored contest CW memory keyer feature with very flexible speed 
> control, maybe even supporting data modes too like having MultiMode 
> built-in :)
> - A facility to connect to a public/private DX cluster (either on the 
> net or via RF/TNC) which highlights spots which are potential 
> multipliers.
> - Rig control functions for auto-logging frequency, allowing fast 
> changes from a run frequency to S&P VFO
> - SO2R support for 2 radio operation
> - Inbuilt contest voice "keyer"
> - Multi-operator support for logging and statistical analysis of rates 
> and mults etc.
> - Rendezvous support for Multi-multi operation over ethernet or 
> airport networks.
> -  Integration with Apple's iChat for IM chat between operators in 
> multi-multi situations, spotting stations etc.

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