[MacLoggerContest] Types of Contest to support?

Jonathan G0DVJ g0dvj at amsat.org
Sun Feb 13 15:11:44 EST 2005

Hi all,

We discussed general flexibility required to support as many contest 
events as possible in an earlier thread.
I thought it maybe worth having a cross-continents check of what 
contest types in detail need supporting at least initially - so hence 
this thread following on from the general one on contest configuration. 
  The sorts of contest scoring arrangements that come to mind from this 
side of the Pond are:

HF types:   (can be x points per QSO optionally varying per Band, Mode 
or Continent or any combination of these, with optionally own 
country/continent may not score for points [but may still optionally be 
a multiplier])

	- No Multipliers

With Multipliers (the info for these may come from the call prefix OR 
as a separate part of the Exchanged info OR both):

	- Country Multipliers (various country reference lists required for 
this since some variations from the DXCC list exist for contesting*)
	- Zone Multipliers (CQ zone, ITU Zone - note in some ITU zones 76-89 
are not included since sea areas only, etc.)
	- Area Multipliers (Country specific lists - States, Provinces, 
Counties, Districts, Call Areas, Administrative areas etc.)
	- Call prefix Multipliers (e.g. CQ WPX - where G3xxx, G4xxx, M4x etc. 
are all UK mults.)
	- HQ national society initials (e.g. IARU)
	- QTC info (WAE events - needs specific support when logging not 
detailed here)
	- others?

* The DXCC list is used with variation in different events for example, 
in some, DXCC mults are supplemented by Call Areas in large countries 
such as W, VE, VK, JA etc.)

VHF types:   (either x points per QSO or y points per km/mile)

	- No multiplers
	- Grid Square Multipliers  (may be 4 or 6 character grids used)
	- Country Multipliers (from Prefix of Calls worked)
	- Area Multipliers (in the UK Districts worked - but could be various 
other area data sets e.g. Counties, States, Provinces etc.)
	- Any combination of the last 3 above!

Of course multipliers may be counted per Band, per Mode, OR both!

Aside from scoring, and in addition to the information already 
mentioned above for the purposes of scoring, what other information may 
optionally form part of the exchange in a contest?  (some of these may 
need to just be provided by a free format text field rather than 
customised fields?)
My starter list is:
	- serial number
	- report RS(T) length dependent on mode used  (yes some events dont 
use this like European Sprints!)
	- name
	- age
	- club name that person is a member of
	- membership number ?  (this really sounds like train-spotting lol)
	- year first licensed
	- grid square (only 4 chars on HF?  - e.g. Stew Perry Trophy event)

What have I omitted that wouldn't allow your fave contest ?    Please 
add/comment as necessary.

BTW I though Jack's earlier posting on the other thread was very useful 
in terms of how these various options might be selected, saved as a 
template for easy selection and sharing and quick'n'easy get going with 
the contest operation !

Jonathan G0DVJ

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