[MacLoggerContest] Keyers

John Bastin jbastin at sssnet.com
Sun Feb 20 11:26:55 EST 2005

On Feb 20, 2005, at 10:57 AM, Jonathan G0DVJ wrote:

> Some guys seem to like to send some parts of the exchange (e.g. RST) 
> faster than other parts (e.g. serial) although I have never been a 
> great fan of this personally - but some contest loggers do allow you 
> to specify speed changes in the programmable text exchange.  Anyone in 
> favour of this ?

I like this feature and use it in most contests. It's not a 
deal-breaker either way, though.

> ESC to cancel in mid keying is a nice feature in case you initiate the 
> keyer in error!

This is an absolute necessity.

Another feature which I use a lot in my current contest logging program 
is the ability to set up an automatic repeat of a message, after an 
adjustable time delay. I use this to set up an automatic CQ Contest 
message repetition. In that case, the timer is shut off as soon as ANY 
key is pressed, so that the auto-CQ function quits as soon as someone 
answers and I start typing his callsign into the log.


John E Bastin, K8AJS
jbastin at sssnet.com

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