[MacLoggerContest] CabConverter

Don Agro dagro at dogparksoftware.com
Sun Mar 13 09:24:39 EST 2005

Hi Scott,

On 13-Mar-05, at 8:48 AM, B. Scott Andersen wrote:

> CabConverter is a stand-alone program and accepts an ADIF file
> generated by MLDX as input and generates a Cabrillo file. Users
> must supply information within CabConverter's GUI for things
> like, name, call, email address, etc. These general things are
> retained as preferences. Additionally, users will need to specify
> the contest, operating category, additional category overlay
> (tri-bander, rookie, etc.), along with power category and other
> things for a particular contest.

Fantastic !

Please keep us posted on your progress.

73 Don Agro VE3VRW

D o g   P a r k   S o f t w a r e   L t d .

email: dagro at dogparksoftware.com
   www: http://www.dogparksoftware.com
     iChat AV:dogpark at mac.com

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