[MacLoggerContest] Fun with theology

Don Agro dagro at dogparksoftware.com
Wed Mar 16 21:26:47 EST 2005

Hi Bill,

On 16-Mar-05, at 8:02 PM, Bill Coleman wrote:

> We may just have a definition problem. So, if you send "IS", do you 
> send:
> ". .   . . ."  or
> ". .  . . ."

The former.

Each dit or dah implies a following dit interval - this in addition to 
the 2 dit intervals following a character - and this in addition to the 
user chosen number of dit intervals following a word (used to be fixed 
at 4).

This is why 4 dit intervals between words worked so well - it already 
implied an additional dit interval after the last dit or dah in the 
word plus 2 dit intervals after the last character in the word which 
would really translate into a grand total of 7 dit intervals after the 
last key up in the word.

> The first has three dit intervals between the two characters, the 
> latter has only two. It's only one dit element removed from sending 
> "5".

We send the dit interval following the second dit in 'I' plus the 2 dit 
intervals between the two characters which totals 3 dit intervals 
between "I" and "S".

>> But rather than spending all this time on theoretical conjecture 
>> (amateur radio is based on empirical science after all) why not 
>> listen to the CW that MacLoggerDX actually generates and base your 
>> recommendations on that ?
> OK.

Have a listen - the free demo will generate CW with a variety of 
hardware/software keying options so it shouldn't be too difficult to 
set up with your particular rig/interface.

>> Auditory perceptions will introduce their own subjective errors but 
>> at least we will be judging the engineering rather than the theory :)
> But, I *like* theory.... <grin>

So do I, but my customers have come to expect that the theory actually 
gets turned into something that they can use :)

73 Don Agro VE3VRW

D o g   P a r k   S o f t w a r e   L t d .

email: dagro at dogparksoftware.com
   www: http://www.dogparksoftware.com
     iChat AV:dogpark at mac.com

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