[Techtoolslist] FIDE Include files

Martin White martin at guddler.co.uk
Wed Aug 16 20:09:03 EDT 2006

Not sure if James is reading this list but I guess this is as good a place
as any to ask!

Has anyone had any problems using include files with FIDE? Specifically

The following simply doesn¹t want to work, I just get the compile error
³Cannot open file mwz80.9lc²

exercise errors YES
include ³z80.pod²
include ³mwz80.plc²

I¹ve also tried ³~/mwz80.plc² and also the entire path.

The file ³mwz80.plc² DOES exist and it exists in the same path as the main
script that I¹m calling it from.

Any ideas? Not trying to do anything fancy, just including stuff like ³trap
bad power supply NO² that I do virtually all the time on all scripts. Etc.

PS: I¹m using FIDE on Windows XP Pro in a Parallels Desktop virtual machine
on an intel iMac but I fail to see why that should really make much
difference :)

Guddler's Domain

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