[Techtoolslist] Symbol table for Williams System 11ish pinball - DasmX?

John Robertson jrr at flippers.com
Thu Dec 18 02:19:19 EST 2014

I'm working on a mod for a Data East game, and would like to know if 
anyone has a Williams (or DE) symbol table they are willing to share so 
I can disassemble the code more easily.

What I have so far is:

cpu 6802

org 0x4000

vector 0x2400 pia_solenoid_PRA
vector 0x2401 pia_solenoid_CRA
vector 0x2402 pia_solenoid_PRB
vector 0x2403 pia_solenoid_CRA

vector 0xFFF8 irq_vector int_entry
vector 0xFFFA swi_vector swi_entry
vector 0xFFFC nmi_vector nmi_entry
vector 0xFFFE res_vector reset

However that is just the start...obviously more work is needed.


John :-#)#
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