[Techtoolslist] Fluke keyboards question

Barry Shilmover barry at shilmover.com
Mon Feb 13 12:05:16 EST 2023


I have a couple of Fluke products made for warehouse/assembly (namely the
Fluke 1020 and 1050).  They are both touch screens with a keyboard.  One is
monochrome, the other color.  Anyway, I picked up the 1020 because it had
the keyboard and wanted to see if I could use it with the 9100 (and the
monitor is nearly identical inside too).

Anyway, the keyboard looks like the original 9100A keyboard from Oak, but
the keys are a bit different (see picture).  The cable was ruined, so I
swapped that.  The 9100 recognizes that there is a keyboard attached and
goes into programmer’s mode, but the keyboard does nothing except for
beeping when keys are pressed (LEDs on the keyboard flash when fluke starts
and work when pressed).

Since I had it open, I pulled the EPROM and read it, figuring I could take
the ROM from the similar 9100A keyboard and make it mostly work.  The PCB
in the keyboard appears identical, its the strange cpu with the piggybacked
eprom.  When I compare the ROM file on TTL ftp site and the one I read off
my keyboard, they are identical.  Which surprised me.  All I can think of
is that some of the other chips on the pcb are different.

Anyone have one of the Oak fluke keyboards that can send me high resolution
images of the PCB and chips on the board?


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