[Techtoolslist] Anyone else make Mike Coates 2650 - Z80 adapter?

John Robertson jrr at flippers.com
Fri May 10 14:30:25 EDT 2024

I've had this adapter sitting on a shelf since 2004 and just found a use 
for it when working on a Zaccaria pinball MPU. The problem is it doesn't 
work and it looks like the 2650 CPU has to drive INTACK, but it ties low 
in the original article on pages 9 &10 of 
TroubleshooterV1-1983-combined-searchable.pdf (on ftp list under 
Fluke/9XXX/Fluke Troubleshooter Magazine).

Anyone else use this adapter or made one that works for Zac. games?

Here is Mike's article:


S2650 Fluke Adapter <#>



John :-#)#


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