[Techtoolslist] 9132a-80286 memory pod

John Robertson jrr at flippers.com
Fri Jan 17 03:21:19 EST 2025

On 2025-01-16 8:12 p.m., Tony Jones wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 16, 2025 at 7:51 AM Marc Desfossés <mdesfoss at hotmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I’m currently working on a 286 project and am looking for the 80286 memory
>> pod for the 9132A. If you have one available and are willing to part with
>> it, please let me know.
>> Additionally, I’m also interested in the 9132A-68000 memory pod if you
>> happen to have one.
> Anything 9132A (and obviously 9132FT) that wasn't part of the AF kit is
> very hard to find.
> I've never posted about this.   I suppose I should in case I get run over
> by a bus or decide I can't make it through another 4 years of Trump.
> Long ago I stumbled on this:
> https://groups.google.com/g/comp.os.cpm/c/BWGqrrgcOTU/m/9slgXo2ax0IJ
> I thought I'd posted here asking if anyone had a copy of the manual which
> was titled "9132A Pod Retargetter's Course" (August 13, 1990, 382 pgs) but
> I can't find it in the Techtools archive.
> The course was only given one time to 9 attendees.
> Anyhow using my full ex-girlfriend stalking skills I tracked Doug down by
> telephone back in 2021.  I was the first person to ask him in 20 years.
> He'd been asked previously just after he posted on Usenet (he'd left Fluke
> by then).  He told me he'd reached out to Fluke asking if he could release
> the manual and the response was "we will sue you if you release it".    So
> he would only give it to me with written auth from Fluke.
> I ended up getting that auth from Fluke and Doug's response was then "ok
> but what about all the other stuff".     What other stuff.   It turned out
> he had the full source tree for the 9132A and FT.   Plus a bunch of other
> docs.    So I go back to Fluke again and I'm now in possession of all
> that.      All the code for the personality modules (PAL + EPROM) and all
> the TL/1 code (including the unreleased 9132A-z80) plus all the C code for
> the 9132A/9132FT main units.  Alas none of the schematics for the sync
> module adapters.
> Unfortunately I can't give it out as the auth was for my use only.   It was
> clear that if I'd pushed for them to "open source" I'd have been shown the
> door.    Also even though I treaded carefully and the person I dealt with
> at Fluke was very pleasant at the end of this second pass through the tone
> was one of "we've done all we intend to, please don't contact us again".
> So I need to be clear on the following.  I'm not going to give out the
> person's name but if someone wants to make a fresh pass through Fluke legal
> to try and get this all released under a wider license I'd obviously
> assist.      Back before I found a contact at Fluke I'd reached out to Al
> Kossow (as I know of his role at CHM) but never got a reply.    Maybe he'd
> help more now though it's not exactly the Lisa level source code.
> It's funny as if Doug had only tar'd off the full source tree rather than
> just the Jane (9132) subset,  I'd have all that code also.   Rats.
> Clay (Cowgill) and I have agreed to be each other's tech equipment estate
> sale guardians if either of us croaks prematurely so I'll fwd this to Clay
> with a note on where to find the files.
> Tony

Very interesting to learn about Tony, thanks!

John :-#)#

                  John's Jukes Ltd.
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