[casual_games] languages... (that's an 's' at the end!)

Joe Pantuso jpantuso at traygames.com
Thu Oct 6 12:16:01 EDT 2005

The framework is not part of any service pack.  This is unfortunate since
that was part of the .NET strategy we were told back in 2000 or 2001, that
all supporting platforms would receive .NET as a service pack update.  That
would have simplified things a bit.


The good news is that a) 25megs may seem like a lot, but on broadband it is
only a couple minute download, b) it only has to happen once and c) MS is
finally providing tools to make getting .NET onto a user system as part of
your install simple.  With Visual Studio 2005 they have improved the
bootstrapper that is provided for 'click once' applications so you can add
some packages and be done with it.


The framework, the languages and the dev environment really are great.  I
could go on about that at length but there are thousands of articles out
there already.  Don't take my word for it, try out one of the 'express'
products.  http://lab.msdn.microsoft.com/express/default.aspx 


I'm excited about 2.0 and the express editions because it means that people
can work on their games in a great environment at no cost.


Since TrayGames is a platform for game distribution we have been going to
considerable trouble to make getting that on a smooth process.  A little
self-plug here, if you are looking to write games in .NET and are interested
in multi-player stuff you should really talk to us, since your defined
market is then people who already have .NET and Managed DirectX installed as
it is part of our base guaranteed platform.  Plus our API makes the
multi-player part a snap.





From: casual_games-bounces at igda.org [mailto:casual_games-bounces at igda.org]
On Behalf Of Chris Williams
Sent: Thursday, October 06, 2005 11:53 AM
To: IGDA Casual Games SIG Mailing List
Subject: Re: [casual_games] languages... (that's an 's' at the end!)


To the best of my knowledge, the .NET Framework is not part of XP Service
Pack 2. 

You can either DL it from Windows Update, or DL the runtime from MSDN. If
you use an installer (such as Installshield) to deploy any of your games,
you can bundle the runtime in that way (but yes that still does make for a
large download.)

As for the % of XP machines running SP2, I think it's around 35% (since its
related to, but slightly lower than, the % of folks who actually run Windows
Update in the first place.)

Chris Williams, MCSD .NET, MCT

On 10/6/05, Lionel barret De Nazaris <lionel.bdn at free.fr> wrote:

Jonas Beckeman wrote:
> Seems I'm the only one who's gonna stand up for .NET here, so I'd better
> it tall...
> Before I get off on how great it is, let me state some problems that may
> enough to make you look in other directions: 
> * .NET games need the .NET framework. The 2.0 beta is 25 MB.
> * You'll probably want to use Managed DirectX. The distribution model is
> still very unclear to me, I don't know myself how large the add-on is, or 
> even how to obtain it without downloading the DirectX SDK
A friend told me that the .Net Framework is included in the XP Service
Pack 2, if so, the problem of the huge download could be avoided.
Does anybody could confirm this ? And do we have numbers about the % of 
penetration of XP Service Pack 2 on the machine of the potential players
? Well, a percentage of machine with XP Service Pack 2 on the global
number of windows anyway.

Casual_Games mailing list
Casual_Games at igda.org

Thank you,

Chris Williams, Microsoft Partner, 
GC.NUG President, RV.NUG Founder

Blog:   http://blogusmaximus.com
HA! :  http://www.heroicadventure.com
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