[casual_games] MOG

Duncan Gough duncan at 3rdsense.com
Thu Sep 22 08:42:04 EDT 2005


I'm pleased to announce the release of the first (to my knowledge)  
casual games based tagging website, Millionsofgames.com (MOG).

MOG is a community based bookmarking website for online and  
downloadable games. We've attempted to add in a few features like  
keywords and key categories to make things easier for new users.  
Keywords are just free-text tags and key categories are suggested,  
popular categories. We've also tried to build on the communal nature  
of tags and tagging to make the most out of the metadata they  
provide. For MOG, we're able to amalgamate tags and clicks to create  
a 'score' for each game, which means that we're able to rank and sort  
the data by popularity, giving us a good idea of what games are being  
played the most.

The site currently has a heavy bias towards online games but there's  
no reason why downloadable games should be excluded. Ideally the site  
will be come as relevant to game developers who want to find out how  
popular their games are as it is to people who just want to find a  
game to play during their lunchbreak.

I'd love to see you all on MOG!

All the best,



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