[casual_games] The "Churn Rate" of the top 10 lists isreallystarting to increase

James C. Smith james at Reflexive.net
Tue Apr 11 16:47:49 EDT 2006

>>  what does that say about diminishing returns on investment? 
Hopefully the growth in the market size helps fill some of that gap.  A game
that is a top 10 seller for 3 weeks in 2006 is probably generating a lot
more revenue that a game that stayed in the top 10 for for the same amount
of time in 2004.  

-----Original Message-----
From: casual_games-bounces at igda.org [mailto:casual_games-bounces at igda.org]
On Behalf Of Margaret Wallace
Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2006 1:22 PM
To: 'IGDA Casual Games SIG Mailing List'
Subject: RE: [casual_games] The "Churn Rate" of the top 10 lists
isreallystarting to increase

James: Your  <http://www.game-sales-charts.com/> www.game-sales-charts.com
kicks butt!
This research confirms my overall impression that titles are churning at a
much higher rate than ever before. So with production costs supposedly
rising and more time/effort being put into polishing a game -- what does
that say about diminishing returns on investment? 


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