[casual_games] Game resolution

Jamie Carlson jamiecarlson at gmail.com
Fri Apr 21 10:40:44 EDT 2006

At the risk of looking like a total dolt for posting a demographic 
which is (potentially) wildly different than that which this group is 
concerned with...

Valve/Steam has been doing a hardware survey of its users and there 
are some truly interesting findings on there.

If anything if shows that most of the Steam users who we would 
probably consider the core-est of the "core" gamers, have pretty 
average system specs (some are downright ancient). There are 
certainly the users who have to have the "cream of the crop" for 
their rigs at all times (basically the antithesis of the average 
casual gamer), but they were fewer in number than I would have 
anticipated for the Steam user-base...

As a last ditch effort to try and salvage some shred of applicability 
to this discussion... I guess it proves (again) that our 
preconceptions can sometimes be wrong (mine certainly were in re: to 
Steam users ;)):

In re: to game resolution, here were Valve's findings:

Primary Display Resolution (711288 Users)
800 x 600               24,212  (3.40 %)
1024 x 768              338,203 (47.55 %)
1152 x 864              55,772  (7.84 %)
1280 x 1024     256,850 (36.11 %)
1440 x 900              5,924   (0.83 %)
1600 x 1200     14,552  (2.05 %)
1680 x 1050             5,585   (0.79 %)
Other                   10,190   (1.43 %)


   Jamie Carlson (Sonalysts Inc.)
   Producer / Designer

   Sonalysts Combat Simulations

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