[casual_games] Game resolution

Joe Pantuso jpantuso at traygames.com
Fri Apr 21 10:52:38 EDT 2006

When a related conversation came up a couple months ago someone pointed out
that it was very desirable to default to full-screen too, the reason; our
older gamers with less than perfect eyesight.

We're collecting detailed hardware spec information at TG through the
desktop manager.  We'll start sharing summary data in a couple months, it
will be the equivalent (plus more) of the Steam data, but for the casual

It always freaks me out and annoys me how many desktops are still at stone
age resolutions, but it can't be helped.  We always have to remember that
the casual market is not equal to the general population.  This will be even
worse in a couple years when some of us have 200dpi+ monitors, resolution
independent rendering will become unavoidable.


Joe Pantuso - CEO
TrayGames, LLC
Online multi-player casual games community
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