[casual_games] more cloning debate

Adam Martin adam at mindcandydesign.com
Thu Aug 17 12:20:13 EDT 2006

Ron wrote:

>  > Unless, of course:
>  >
>  >   They can't afford / didn't bother until too late to port to other
>  > platforms (isn't that one of the cardinal lessons drummed into indies
>  > these days? They should have spotted it)...and now other people are
>  > doing to them what they did to others - servicing a market with a decent
>  > product - and they're trying to claw back some of what they should have
>  > taken for themselves.
> If I'm not mistaken, they can not port to other platforms due to the MS 
> deal.
> They are locked into XLA for some time, if not forever.

I confess total ignorance of standard XBLA publishing contracts :), and 
instead add "/ sold the rights already". If they've already been paid 
(implictly, somehow, in whatever deal they secured) for having 
surrendered that right, then ...

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