[casual_games] Slow death for the current generation ofcasualgames? (Bugs, Parental Controls & Game Explorer)

David Thomson dave at slam-games.com
Tue Dec 19 16:29:30 EST 2006

On 19 Dec 2006, at 15:06, Brian Robbins wrote:

> I haven't spoken to the ESRB in a while, but it would seem that it's

> in everyone's best interest to try to have a casual game rate or

> something like that. I think it's definitely something the IGDA should

> look into and I'll start that process. If anyone has a good contact

> there please let me know off-list.

Just a thought, but given that we can't define what a casual game is
amongst ourselves (and thus probably can't expect the ESRB to know),
it might be a better idea for the fees to be structured around the
price point of the game.


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