[casual_games] If Vista is going to be such a problem...

Robert Headley Rheadley at op-games.com
Fri Dec 22 01:24:29 EST 2006

wasn't the ESRB actually required to play the games, after the hot coffee
debacle? Ah, my bad, but it was proposed by Senator Brownback


Also, I don't know that the ESRB is willing to risk allowing 3rd party
certifiers with so many politicians out to get them.

On 12/22/06, Joe Pantuso <jpantuso at traygames.com> wrote:


> ESRB doesn't actually load up and test anything. You submit a video tape

> of gameplay to them. And ESRB charges you $400 to $2500 for the pleasure of

> viewing the tape, what's the hourly rate on that? Their business model is

> very simple, and there is no incentive whatsoever for them to make it any

> cheaper or easier for us to pay that protection, er, I mean ratings fee.


> The news that we may be able to get casual games treated at the $400 rate

> is a good start. I'd like to see $250, especially as the 'gameplay' video

> for Chess, for example, is going to pretty damn short and sweet.




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