[casual_games] hey all

Ryan Sumo endlessthirteen at yahoo.com
Sat Feb 11 08:44:50 EST 2006

Hey Gabriel,
  Thanks for the vote of confidence! I like your enthusiasm.  I'm  just a little bit too careful I guess. Glad to know that game designers  around the world have this kind of enthusiasm.  Good luck to you  and the Uruguayan gamedav community!

Gabriel <mystml at adinet.com.uy> wrote:  Hi Ryan,

> By the way, I'm guessing most of you live and work in the US?  I'm in
> the Philippines, and let's just say it's tough to find a job in
> gamedev (even casual gamedev) here, so I figured I'd try making games
> on the side, and maybe put up a company sometime in the future. Maybe.

Forget "on the side"! I live and work in Uruguay. It's not though to
find a job in gamedev - it's *impossible* because there's no game dev
industry here! So just do what we did - form a company, start making
games, and create your country's industry :)


Gabriel Gambetta
Mystery Studio - http://www.mysterystudio.com
Gabriel on Graphics - http://gabrielongraphics.blogspot.com

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