[casual_games] Re: egipcian style on casual games

Luke Munn lukeanddan at clear.net.nz
Thu Jan 26 14:54:27 EST 2006

Joe makes a good point about the traditional connotations of 'cartoon' 
style in American audiences. I've just finished a book featuring street 
graphics from Tokyo and the author makes the point that the manga style 
caters to an extremely broad audience; from kids to corporates. The 
characters have subtle differences like the eyes that differentiate the 
maturity of the audience they're aimed at. The Tokyo police and a major 
national bank both feature a manga character as their corporate mascot.

The other point that the Mario series exemplifies perfectly is the shift 
brought about by the types of behaviour used. All the games in the 
series are characterized by that bright, flat, Japanese pop aesthetic, 
but the behaviours and interactions, particularly with later games like 
Mario 64, Paper Mario, etc are very sophisticated. The physics, multiple 
goals and ways to accomplish these require combination moves, precise 
timing, problem solving, and different styles of input. They still cater 
to a very broad audience, from kids to adults. But my point is they're 
inherently different from something like a Dora the Explorer game, even 
though aeshetically they're almost identical.

> I've seen in most of the lastest casual games mostly, that the style chosen by game developers is like old runes or egipcian, something like that, almost always. Far away have been left the old 'good games' that wrote a line in hostory such as Super Mario, Nintendo in general or even Capcom and fighting games. Even although this is a different target, weren't some games in that age aimed to adults, with 'cartoon friendly' graphics?

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