[casual_games] Copycats -- What Can Be Done?

Jamie Carlson jamiecarlson at gmail.com
Wed Jul 19 22:15:53 EDT 2006

On 7/19/06, Paul Thelen <paul.thelen at bigfishgames.com> wrote:
>  Jamie –
> Big Fish Games did not develop nor publish this game, Oberon did.  We are
> investigating with James if they swapped out original sounds prior to ship
> as the video was made from a beta build.  First pass appears that they did
> so we just removed the video and will redo it.
> A big to do about nothing ;-)
That's all that was really necessary. Once it was established that the video
itself was using the Zuma sound effects, I think that was the most logical
course of action.

p.s. I do accept flowers for apologies
Well, it should be mentioned again that I initially claimed that the fault
lay with the dev's because I couldn't possibly conceive that BigFishGames
would ever create a video that was not representative of the final
product... and now we see where that blind loyalty to BigFishGames got
me?!   ;-)

Thank you for your response, Paul.

- Jamie
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