[casual_games] New Casual Game Review Site - www.bluestub.com

Lionel barret De Nazaris lionel.bdn at free.fr
Fri May 12 04:11:16 EDT 2006

Sean Ryan a écrit :
> We just beta-launched BlueStub <http://www.bluestub.com>, a new casual gaming review blog.  It's still a work in progress, but we're
> focusing on simple reviews, hoping to bring a greater PR and marketing focus to the vast
> array of compelling casual games, from non-traditional casual content such as Master of Defense <http://www.bluestub.com/2006/05/master_of_defen.html> to popular
> franchises like 
> Diner Dash 2 <http://www.bluestub.com/2006/05/diner_dash_2_re.html>. 
> If you're interested in having your game reviewed, please email 
> bluestub at gmail.com <http://us.f822.mail.yahoo.com/ym/Compose?To=bluestub@gmail.com&YY=36504&order=down&sort=date&pos=0&view=a&head=b>.
> Thanks, Sean - www.bluestub.com <http://www.bluestub.com> 
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The site looks quite solid but lacks in diversity.

The pleasure to read a magazine (online or not) also comes from the 
diversity of material : preview, industry, news, forum*, etc...
This diversity means you also have more to offer to the game makers. For 
example, I have a game in progress. Can I sent you some screenshot ? 
that's content easy produced and often updated.

* Personnaly, i really dislike the gametunnel forum. they use it as a 
replacement to "comments" (blog style). A real forum is more about a 
community, ie producing it's own topic instead of only commenting 
something the magazine wrote.

Lionel Barret De Nazaris
Gamr7.com > http://www.gamr7.com

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