[casual_games] FAQ: Do casual games use writers?

Injoy Games bizdev at injoygames.com
Wed Nov 22 16:25:55 EST 2006

I think that its safe to say that there is no definitive answer to this
question, just as there is none for many of the previous questions.

$0 - $1M sounds pretty accurate these days...

'Injoy the Games you play!'
Featuring: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

On Wed, 22 Nov 2006 4:22 pm, Kirby, Neil A (Neil) wrote:

> #### begin quoted message ###

> Message: 4

> Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2006 10:17:54 -0800

> From: "Audry Taylor" <talshannon at hotmail.com>

> Subject: [casual_games] FAQ: Do casual games use writers?

> To: casual_games at igda.org

> Message-ID: <BAY102-F35B4515BDFD6465D9F0439CDEC0 at phx.gbl>

> Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed


> [snip]



> How much money does it cost to make a casual game?


> [snip]


> Audry Taylor

> Creative Director

> Go! Comi

> http://www.gocomi.com


> #### end quoted message ###


> At GDC 2005 in San Francisco, there was a presentation given one

> evening at the Apple Store where a guy went over how he did his

> downloadable game. His budget was US $10,000 and he wound up spending

> $13,000 if memory serves. I can't find the presentation in my paper

> notes and my laptop was having seizures or something that week (I lost

> a bunch of notes on sessions).


> Music: How to get cheap but good music? He contracted with some jazz

> artists who would do it cheap if he gave them prominent credit.


> Voice Talent: His story dialog was text. But when you met a character

> for the first time, voice talent would read that text for the first few

> lines. The player's human brain would then "hear" the unread text in

> that same voice even though it was not read aloud. This results in

> tremendous savings since there is far less usage of the talent, and

> what you get is less subject to change as the game evolves.


> If anyone on the list could post a link to the session, I'd be

> grateful. The game itself I think involved a yarn shop, a magic

> spinning wheel, and the title involved weaving a story or something

> like that.


> ---

> Neil Kirby +1.614.367.5524 Hope is not a strategy

> Lucent Technologies nak at lucent.com Prayer is not a process

> 6100 E. Broad St. Tuning is not a plan

> Columbus, OH 43213 USA Chaos does not scale



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Alex Ahlund

> Sent from a mobile device<

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