[casual_games] Modifying your list subscription

Brian Robbins brian-l at dubane.com
Sun Feb 4 13:52:27 EST 2007

If you would like to modify your subscription to the mailing
(unsubscribe, switch to/from digest, etc), you should be able to do
this on the list website linked at the bottom of every message:

If for some reason that website is down, or you are unable to access
it, you can contact the list owner (right now me) at:
casual_games-owner at igda.org.

There should be no need to e-mail the entire list to unsubscribe. If
someone does then I ask the rest of you to ignore that message.

Finally - please remember that this is a professional list, and
personal attacks or disparagement are not acceptable. Individuals who
fail to show this basic level of respect for others will be moderated
and/or removed from the list.

Thanks everyone for understanding!

Brian Robbins
Executive Producer and Gaming Evangelist
Fuel Industries - www.fuelgames.com
casual_games "list mom"

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