[casual_games] Question About Adobe/Macromedia Director asaDevelopment Platform....

Kenton White k.white at thedistilway.com
Mon Feb 12 08:45:00 EST 2007

I have a related question:

With Adobe's future platform emphasis turning to Apollo, will Director still
be supported as a platform?


-----Original Message-----
From: casual_games-bounces at igda.org [mailto:casual_games-bounces at igda.org]
On Behalf Of T. R.
Sent: Saturday, February 10, 2007 12:54 PM
To: casual_games at igda.org
Subject: [casual_games] Question About Adobe/Macromedia Director as
aDevelopment Platform....


I am interested in hearing educated opinions about the use of
Adobe/Macromedia Director as a casual game development platform. I have some

experience programming in Director (but have not used it for a number of
years), and recognize that many casual games feature a Web demo, as well as
a downloadable version. Director/Shockwave would allow the same modified
code to be used for both.

To any persons with experience with Director:

Does the program offer a rich enough development platform and scripting
language for Puzzle or Action games? I'm familiar with Lingo, but do not
know how the language has developed in the past few years to address the
needs of casual game developers.

Any opinions would be much appreciated.


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