[casual_games] Gameplay patents

Thomas H. Buscaglia thb at gameattorney.com
Mon Feb 12 14:16:48 EST 2007

At 12:32 PM 2/10/2007, you wrote:

>I believe that you are mistaken if you think that any sensible investor

>would prefer to have you spending your time and their money on tiresome

>legal paperwork rather than actual product development and execution.

Well if you think that any investor would rather
have you be so cavalier as to risk "his"
intellectual capital by not protecting it, you are wrong.

>Even for the real examples of this kind of innovation in the game space

>(e.g. I believe Harmonix has some patents on aspects of Guitar Hero's

>underlying technology) the patent has absolutely nothing to do with

>success -- making a quality experience is the number one thing (probably

>followed by marketing/distribution, with competitive worries coming a

>distant third or fifth). Anything that distracts from the main thing is,

>imho, a boondoggle.

Harmonix has lots of patents...in fact they are
sort of a poster child for a solid IP management
model. And Harmonix is also able to self fund
their development and thereby get a much higher %
of royalties because of their banking
relationship. You see years ago they were able
to go to a bank and get a line of credit secured
by those patents. Not secured by their prior
hits...but on those nasty patents.

Tom B

P.S. Lawyers making more than developers is as
much a part of the world as are patents. Time
for another reality check. BTW - I don't make
near as much as John Carmack does....

Thomas H. Buscaglia, Esquire
The Game Attorney
T. H. Buscaglia and Associates
80 Southwest 8th Street, Suite 2100
Miami, FL 33130
Tel (305) 324-6000
Fax (305) 324-1111
23133 Vashon Highway SW
Vashon WA 98070
Tel (206) 463-9200
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