[casual_games] Macromedia Director...

Brian Yamabe brian at yamabe.net
Tue Feb 13 13:36:20 EST 2007

From the FAQ "Adobe plans to make Director the preferred environment
for games creation..."

Full Text:
What are Adobe’s long-term plans for Director?
Director is a market-leading product with a loyal and substantial
user base. Adobe will continue to invest in Director and develop new
releases targeting current and future innovations in multimedia
development. Future versions will be rebranded as "Adobe Director."
Adobe plans to make Director the preferred environment for games
creation and to increase the use of Shockwave Player on computers,
consoles, and mobile devices. Adobe maintains a dedicated engineering
team devoted to the ongoing development of Director.

>> Samuel Nova wrote:

>>> And if I may ask, where do you read that ? :)


> Well, the latter half of 2007 bit is from the director website:

> http://www.adobe.com/products/director/special/crossproduct/faq.html


> "When is the next version of Director software expected to be

> released?

> Adobe has not published an official time frame for the next

> release

> of Director and generally does not disclose details of new releases

> more

> than 30 days before a product is expected to ship. However, our

> current

> planning assumption is that the next major release of Director will be

> in the second half of 2007."


> The games bit i don't know anything about.

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